Birthday: become a year older.
The next week was Thanksgiving. I made a small dinner with some vegetarian favs like greenbean cassarole, mashedpotatoes, and stuffing. It turned out pretty well except my stuffing was a little dry from lack of broth. The next day I went to my american friend´s house to celebrate a little more lavishly. There were more people,great music and games, but it still didn´t prevent me from being a little homesick afterwards. :(
These last couple of weeks have been pretty normal except that I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday! It was so quick and painless, I didn´t even realize they were out until the orthodontist said I could leave. I had no swelling afterwards and close to no irritation. LUCKY! The other side comes out in January. Why they do it in two sessions, I don´t really understand.
I have been racking my brain lately trying to think of good Christmas presents. It is hard to buy for people who already have everything! Maybe I will just resort to making something like I normally do...
Hope everyone is winding down for Christmas break. Please let me know what you all are doing! My family and I are flying down to Spain for 10 days. I can´t wait to get some sun and practice my spanish a bit!
Schöne Grüße,
Wow! A picture of me :) Haha. this is my blog. Feel free to visit :P