Friday, January 22, 2010

Neue Gastfamilie

Hallo Freunde und Familie!
Agh, again I am terrible at writing on a regular basis. Bare with me.
The transition to the new host family has been extremely easy. I felt at home from the very first day. We have gotten into a routine now and everything is running smoothly. I work pretty much everyday with my colleague from the enviromental protection center on a paper conservation project. We go to different elementary schools and middle schools and teach the students about where paper comes from and how it is recycled (and hopefully convince them to conserve it). After about 10 days of this project, I feel like quite the expert on paper. I am becoming more confident with my german and I am now able to answer most of the students´ questions. It is really fun and I look forward to doing it everyday. Maybe kids aren´t as bad as I thought...
Last weekend my argentine friend Samuel came to visit me here in Göttingen. It was a really fun couple of days that included ice skating, building snowmen and a snow turtle, playing tennis, seeing a play and sledding. He is now back in Düsseldorf where he finishing up a german class he is taking there.
The other program participants and I are meeting up in Berlin this Sunday for a week-long orientation. We will probably be discussing our experiences and learning about the relationship between the US and German governments. Hopefully there will be time to shop around and have coffee in one of Berlins 100s of indie/alternative shops and cafes. This may require some prior planning! I should read that Berlin Guide Book for Young People that our program director gave us....I can´t wait!
So, short blog entry today. Mum and Stephen (brother) are coming in mid-February. I´ll probably get around to writing the next entry after their stay. Until then! Tschüss!

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